As I read through an ocean of opinions across the media, I pay attention to how my family of Believers are responding to the events unfolding around the death of George Floyd. Many words give incredible insight into Christ love for us while others leave me scratching my head in confusion. I can understand not knowing what to do or say - while also recognizing that many people still don’t truly understand the deep-rooted existence of racial discrimination in America. However, it is disconcerting for Believers to only respond by saying; “just trust in the Lord and focus on doing His will” or “He’ll work things out in His time.”
I agree wholeheartedly with the above-mentioned statements and have exposited them myself on many occasions. However, I would never make the statements without following it up with, “how can I help you while you go through this tough time?” or “I may not understand, but I am here if you need!”
When things are comfortable, it’s easier to stand firm behind those words. But when we’re asked to move beyond the words and act, many of us won’t go into the lion’s den to pull out another brother. Just imagine for a minute you’re the one in the lion’s den and your brother looks down at you and says, “just trust in the Lord and focus on doing His will” and then he walks away. I might say something like that as well, but I’ll be throwing you a rope at the same time!
This reminds me of one of the great Gospel essentials from our Lord which we call his preference for “the least, the last, and the lost.” Time and time again Jesus in the Scriptures reminds us that those who are in the lion’s den, those who feel abandoned or lost, those that have nowhere to turn to are favored and loved by God. The Bible says in Matthew 25:40, 45 – “…I assure you: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.” and “I assure you: Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me either.”
People and communities are hurting because of the seen and unseen effects of racism, discrimination, poverty, joblessness, or poor health care. I don’t mention this without ignoring the importance of personal responsibility nor from a victimhood mentality. But when, the voiceless are silenced, when the last are pushed to the back, or when your brother is in the lion’s den; are you the Believer that’s going to walk by and say, “God will work things out in His time” without throwing down a rope?
Racism is a sin and you may or may not have a personal understanding of its impact on society, but surely there is someone you know that is impacted. I’m challenged at times myself with trying to qualify AND quantify the ways in which I minister and who I minister to. I realize however that I must be prepared for the times when just one brother within my purview is in need, as I never know when I must leave 99 just to go after 1.
I’m sure someone today would welcome your invitation to talk, pray or maybe just say I love you AND I’m here if you need!